Package-level declarations


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An entity that describes the target configuration for the FuturaeLockApi.switchToLockConfiguration method.

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public final class WithBiometrics extends UserPresenceVerificationMode

Used when the SDK LockConfigurationType is BIOMETRICS_ONLY or SDK_PIN_WITH_BIOMETRICS_OPTIONAL. This will display a biometric prompt to authenticate the user and the SDK will be unlocked if the verification is successful. Only biometrics classified as androidx.biometric.BiometricManager.Authenticators.BIOMETRIC_STRONG are supported.

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Used when the SDK LockConfigurationType is BIOMETRICS_OR_DEVICE_CREDENTIALS. This will display a biometric prompt (or other device-credential authentication) to authenticate the user and depending on its result will unlock the SDK.

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public final class WithSDKPin extends UserPresenceVerificationMode

Used when the SDK LockConfigurationType is SDK_PIN_WITH_BIOMETRICS_OPTIONAL. This will unlock the SDK with the Custom App PIN set during the enrollment. The client app needs to implement the relevant mechanism to ask the user to provide the Custom App PIN and then invoke this function.