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public abstract AsyncCompletableOperation enrollAccount(EnrollmentParams enrollmentParameters)

Enroll an account using the provided EnrollmentParams. This is a single entrypoint method for all configurations. However, there are restrictions as to what configurations can be used and when. Please see the EnrollmentParams documentation.

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public abstract FTAccount getAccount(AccountQuery accountQuery)

Get the FTAccount identified by the provided query AccountQuery.

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Get Account history for the selected userId

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Get accounts statuses for given userIds.

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public abstract List<FTAccount> getActiveAccounts()

Get the list of currently active FTAccount objects in the SDK.

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Logout the user and remove the account. This is a protected operation, so the SDK must be unlocked before calling this method.

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public abstract Unit logoutAccountOffline(String userId)

Delete the account identified by the provided user id from the SDK. Works offline, does not confirm deletion with futurae's webapp.

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Register push notifications token.