Using the Auth API
The Futurae Auth API can be used in order to add authentication and transaction signing to your website or application, or integrate any of the offered authentication factors into your existing authentication platform.
Here you will find high level guidelines on how to make use of the Auth API.
Futurae Services and Users
The Futurae APIs (Auth and Admin) operate on Futurae Services. A Futurae Service represents one of your end-user applications (or a set of applications, if they are all using the same user Identity Database), which is to be protected with Futurae authentication. The end users of your application must be enrolled in the corresponding Futurae Service, thereby creating a mapping of your end users into Futurae, which we call Futurae users.
Each Service belongs to an Organization in Futurae Admin. Refer to this article to learn more about managing Services and Organizations in Futurae Admin.
API Credentials
In order to be able to use the Auth API you will need to get your Service credentials: Service ID, Auth API key and Service hostname (which is the host part of the Service Base URL). Additionally, you can use the Callback Signature key to verify callback signatures. You can get all these credentials from Futurae Admin.
Please refer to the Auth API reference documentation for a detailed reference of the available HTTP endpoints, and on the structure and format of the each individual HTTP request and response.
The Auth API features two main endpoint categories:
- Endpoints for enrolling and managing Futurae users.
- Endpoints for performing authentication and transaction authentication (aka transaction signing) for enrolled Futurae users.